Hastings Three Found Not Guilty In Case Against General Dynamics

'There was a genocide going on, the ultimate crime against humanity, and General Dynamics was playing a major role in that crime.'

Three men prosecuted for taking part in a peaceful protest at genocide profiteer General Dynamics were found not guilty of all charges at Brighton Law Courts.

The three told the court that they were at General Dynamics on that day to disrupt the business of the weapons manufacturers and to slow production down.

Hastings Rally Condemns Israeli Massacre at Al-Mawasi

Council leader slams Israel's 'inhumane' attack on Al-Mawasi

After Israel's massacre at Al-Mawasi, an area that Israel had designated a 'humanitarian zone,' we held a rally at the town's council offices condemning Israel's latest war crime.

We read out a message from a member of the Al-Mawasi Resilience Committee we had received that morning. We also read out a statement from Council Leader Julia Hilton, on behalf of the Hastings Greens: "We condemn the inhumane attack on this community, a supposed humanitarian safe zone, and we extend our deepest condolences to the families and friends of all who have been touched by this tragedy."

Delay of 'Hastings3' trial to 2025 described by campaigners as 'ridiculous' and 'unacceptable'

"The pursuit of the Hastings3 was part of a pattern of legal harassment locally."

Press release issued by the Hastings and District PSC gives a brief background to the arrest of three local protesters at the factory of armaments company General Dynamics in February.

Their crime: "Just for sitting on the ground in front of an arms factory arming genocide, for peacefully sitting down and say: 'Stop. Just stop. Stop sending weapons to a genocidal regime.' And it is them that were dragged away, put in a van, held for 14 hours in a police cell....Shame!"

Permanent Ceasefire Now!
Rally in Hastings

History is the key to understanding the nightmare unfolding in Gaza today

To understand what is happening today in Palestine we must learn the historical context and the complicity of our own nations and governments.

Context is key.

A talk given at our rally in Hastings town centre 2 December 2023.

Art Raffle raises £1,670 for Al-Mawasi

We are delighted to report that the Art Raffle for Al Mawasi raised £1,670, which has been sent to the community to fund digging of a desperately-needed well.

Thanks to everyone of you who bought tickets, donated artworks and supported these efforts.

Hastings Friends of Al-Mawasi


Thousands of people have been arriving in Al-Mawasi. Some are lying on the streets with no shelter.

The situation is extremely serious. Israel has been forcing people from their homes, and large numbers of people have no homes because they have been bombed out.

We are able to send money directly to Al-Mawasi; and the community leaders there are able to procure tents. Please support our fundraiser.

Not in my name - Stop the JNF

Israel's Apartheid Unwrapped

How the JNF (Jewish National Fund) has played an integral role in Israel's policy of ethnic cleansing. The JNF is a pillar of Israeli apartheid. Learn how Israel created apartheid.

The JNF has been a charity in the UK since 1939, enjoying tax exempt status and an extra 25% of all donations from HMRC.

Report back of our meeting with Dr Kholoud al-Ajarma and Annie O'Gara from the Stop the JNF campaign:

No Fairytale Under Apartheid

Report back of the day we spent with Amneh Al Kelani from Jenin and Joan from Cadfa (Camden Abu Dis Friendship Association) recently. The report gives a fascinating look at how Amneh's children's books show the realities of life under military occupation.

Former teacher and supervisor Amneh later on addressed a HRPSC meeting at the Hastings Common Room:

The horrors of life in beseiged Gaza

Dr Shahd Abusalama gave us an insight into this tiny enclave on the Mediterranean coast, cut off from the rest of Palestine under an illegal Israeli blockade, subjected to frequent bombing campaigns.

This followed the screening of the 1985 documentary film Gaza Ghetto: Portrait of a Palestinian Family (1948-1984), showing life under Israeli occupation.

Shahd was born in Jabaliya refugee camp where the filming took place six years later. These familiar stories served to demonstrate the ongoing Nakba that Palestinians continue to endure to this day.

Hastings' solidarity with the people
of Jenin

Our solidarity event in the town centre after Israel's attacks on Jenin which caused the biggest devastation in 20 years.

A thousand soldiers, backed by tanks, bulldozers, helicopters and drones attacked the Jenin refugee camp in the middle of the night. The Israeli military killed 12 Palestinians, four of them children.

"We stand with Jenin, we stand with the resistance, and we will also fight for their freedom, their dignity and for equality."

Demand that the East Sussex Pension Fund divests from companies complicit in Israeli apartheid and war crimes

This was the clear message made outside the recent East Sussex Council meeting at Lewes.

The East Sussex Pension Fund has investments in excess of £71 million in companies that are complicit in Israel's violations of international law, in Israel's war crimes against the civilian population of besieged Gaza and which aid Israel's abuses of Palestinian human rights. The majority of these companies directly supply the Israeli military forces.

Hastings Hosts UK's First 'Palestine On The Pier'

A first not only for Hastings but for the UK. The day was a success way beyond our expectations.

Local people turned out in such large numbers to celebrate Palestinian culture in its many forms. The Hawiyya Dance Company brought enormous energy, spirit and drama to our event; musicians Jamal and Alaa had people up dancing with their brilliant Arabic folk songs; and storyteller Elias Matar took the audience on a journey into the imagination.

We had a very busy children's corner with face-painting and craft activities There were stalls with authentic handicrafts, food, jewellery, books, art and clothes. Falafel wraps, baklava and a range of liquid refreshments were on sale.

East Sussex pension fund drops Israeli arms firm

Pension Fund ditches Israeli arms manufacturer Elbit Systems and offloads companies complicit in Israel's violations of international law.

The campaign was set up to bring about the divestment of companies complicit in Israel's violations of international law and abuses of human rights. The pension fund has more than £111 million invested in complicit companies.

Elbit Systems produces a range of weaponry deployed by the Israeli army to murder or maim Palestinians. Elbit Systems' Hermes 900 drones were among the aircraft that Israel used to murder more than 160 Palestinian children in Gaza in 2014.

The pension fund has also dropped companies involved in Israel's illegal settlement economy, such as Bank Hapoalim, the Israel Discount Bank and the Mizrahi Tefahot Bank which have financed construction projects in Israeli settlements.

Expulsion without Return?

The Palestinian Experience with Ilan Pappé and Ghada Karmi

Our online meeting with world-renowned historian Ilan Pappé and academic and author Ghada Karmi discussing Palestinian expulsion from 1948 to today and the question of return.

Ghada describes how her family were forced to flee their home in Jerusalem during the Nakba, or 'catastrophe,' brought about by the creation of the state of Israel.

Ilan shows that between 1947 and 1949, Palestine was ethnically cleansed, a crime against humanity for which it has never faced justice.

The video of the meeting with the question and answer session........

Remember Gaza

We created a memorial wall in Hastings town centre to commemorate those who were killed by the Israeli military in Gaza during the summer of 2014.

More than 2,100 adults and over 550 children were killed; this included entire extended families and babies as young as 10 days.

Selecting from a list of over 550 names of the children that were killed, individual passers-by chose a named child to remember. The pages of names seem overwhelming. Some added RIP; some chose a child of the same age as their own children; young people often chose teenagers of the same age and gender.

The support and interest we had from local people was both encouraging and moving.

The Freedom Theatre of Jenin comes to Hastings

As part of its first ever tour of the UK, the Freedom Theatre staged its production of 'The Siege' at St Mary in the Castle in Hastings.

"The Siege" is based on the experiences of a group of resistance fighters who took refuge in the Church of the Nativity during the height of the second Intifada. As St Mary in the Castle was originally a church, it is an ideal location.

The play was clearly a triumph with the audience giving the cast 3 rousing standing ovations. The play turned out to be a powerful, emotionally charged example of cultural resistance at its best.

Palestinian child prisoners in Israeli jails

On the 41st anniversary of the first Palestinian Prisoners' Day, we built a prison cell in the town centre and gave out information detailing mistreatment of Palestinian children in Israeli jails.
More information here.

Replica Apartheid Wall in Hastings Town Centre

To highlight the way that Palestinians are harassed and humiliated in their daily lives, we built a mini replica of the wall in Hastings town centre.

Israel's Apartheid Wall has been built within occupied Palestine, stealing fertile land, dividing communities, separating Palestinians from their farms, places of work and hospitals. More information here.

The video of our replica wall event: click here.

Hastings Demonstration against Israel's Massacres in Gaza

During the summer of 2014, people in Hastings took action and joined the world-wide opposition to Israel's campaign of terror against Gaza. The march started at the Pier and made its way to the Town Hall. With less than 2 days to organise this action, the response from local people was quite overwhelming.

Hastings and District PSC membership and donations

Becoming a member of Hastings and District PSC is an important way of supporting our work. The annual subscription is £10 waged, £5 unwaged.
Online membership.
If you would like to support our work without becoming a member please visit our shop page here and see the right hand column: Donate to Hastings & District PSC.


The Golan Heights - Israeli occupied and annexed territory.

The world seems to have forgotten the land that has been occupied by Israel since 1967. A friend of a local PSC member has written an account of his visit in 2010 - before the war - to the Syrian side of the border, with photos, showing the destruction inflicted by Israel:

Memories Of Syria.


Israeli Abuse Of Palestinian Children

Israel's policy - to degrade and dehumanise Palestinian children

Three generations have grown up only knowing a life governed by the military rule administered by a foreign army. Israel is the only country in the world that prosecutes children in a military court.

Many Palestinian children are arrested in the middle of the night, their homes are trashed and their parents are not informed about the reason or where they are being taken. Many are beaten, interrogated without a lawyer or parent present, abused for being Palestinian and endure sexual threats.

Qalandia thoughts

A local HPSC member (volunteering for the IWPS) writes from occupied Palestine:

Qalandia thoughts


Make Waves at Southern Water: Say NO to an Arad meter

Southern Water has been installing water meters made by Israeli company Arad. This company plays an integral part in Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine.

Arad is an Israeli company that works extensively in the illegal Israeli settlements in the Palestinian West Bank. Not only has it installed 3,200 water meters in the illegal settlements of Ariel and Barkan, it has committed itself to a "..long term engagement including continued development and continuous service and support over the years."

Make Waves at Southern Water.


£6,000 raised

We made £6,000 for Medical Aid to Palestinians (MAP) at our Art for Gaza sales.

A big thank you to everyone who came to the 2 sales, and lots of thanks especially to all those who contributed paintings.

Article in the Hastings Online Times


Report from Palestine

Reports from one of our members in the northern Jordan Valley with an Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) tour, October - November 2018:

School demolition at Ibziq.
Ethnic Cleansing in East Jerusalem.
Shepherds in the Jordan Valley.

And, as a result of meeting Canon John Hadley on the tour:
Letter to J. K. Rowling.


Demonstration at Nabi Saleh

Palestinian Animal League

Several Hastings PSC supporters visited Brighton to hear Ahmad Safi, the executive director of the Palestinian Animal League, speaking on a national tour.

Palestinian Animal League
