Hastings and Rye Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Newsletter   26 October 2023
  In this newsletter:
  • Reminder of this evening's Protest Rally: Stop Genocide In Palestine Thursday 6pm.
  • Friday: Stall for Gaza. 12.00
  • Friday: Petition to MP Hart. 2.30
  • Join the march in London this Saturday. National March for Palestine - Ceasefire Now!.
  • Stall for Gaza this Saturday in Hastings. 12.00
  • Donations.
  • Email your MP.
  • IMPORTANT: Open letter to local representatives: Demand a ceasefire now!
  • Sunday. Planning meeting 3pm.

    Events are moving very quickly. The situation in Gaza (and the West Bank) is obviously horrendous, a nightmare. On Monday the Israeli military blew up the market at An Nuseirat with at least people 20 killed. The incident took place at noon when the market was the busiest. We've heard that they are now targetting bakeries. Some of the people we know have gone missing. We aim to keep everyone up to date through these newsletters and through our social media. Any offers of help towards our activities are always very welcome.
    This newsletter can be shared.

    6pm Owens, Robertson Street

    Join us to show our solidarity with the people of Palestine. The UK government cheers on Israel's genocidal policies, but Labour leaders refuse to either condemn Israel's attacks, or call for an end to the siege and the bombings.

    We were due to march to the Old Town where the local Labour Party's AGM was due to take place. But it's now cancelled. This evening's rally will go ahead as publicised other than this. Facebook event page. Please share.

    FRIDAY: Stall for Gaza.
    Town centre 12.00 noon - 1pm. We will be collecting signatures on our petition to MP Hart, distributing literature about Israel's attacks, collecting funds for Medical Aid for Palestinians and for the Al-Mawasi community, and generally talking with people. At all our stalls we have received a very positive response from local people. Please come and support.

    FRIDAY: Petition to MP Hart 2.30pm. Swallow House, Theaklen Drive TN38 9AZ

    We've already sent 200 petition signatures to MP Sally-Ann Hart. We will be presenting her with several hundred (haven't counted yet) more petitions on Friday.

    Hart has said that Israel's actions against the people of Gaza are 'proportionate.' There is nothing 'proportionate' about withholding water, food and electricity from a civilian population, including 1 million children. There is nothing 'proportionate' about bombing 2.3 million trapped civilians. We are calling on her to demand a ceasefire. Facebook event page. Please share.

    Saturday 28 October 12.00 Victoria Embankment WC2R 2

    There were about 250,000 to 300,000 at last week's demonstration. We hope this Saturday's demonstration will be even bigger. We encourage everyone to support. Details of the train to catch to follow.
    If anyone, student, unemployed etc. wants to travel to the demonstration but finds the costs too steep, please get in touch as we will try to contribute to your expenses. Conversely, if anyone would like to donate so that more people can make the demonstration, please get in touch. Facebook event page. Please share.

    SATURDAY: Stall for Gaza.
    Town centre 12.00 noon. For those who can't make the demonstration in London. We will be collecting signatures on our petition to MP Hart, distributing literature about Israel's attacks, collecting funds for Medical Aid for Palestinians and for the Al-Mawasi community, and generally talking with people. Please come and support if you can't make the London event.


    We've been collecting for MAP/Medical Aid for Palestinians and the Al-Mawasi community. We've just sent £330 to MAP, following the £330 we sent 17 October. On October 12 we sent £750 to the Al-Mawasi community, and we have now collected another £889 waiting to send this when the conditions are right. We want to thank everyone for your generosity. These funds will make a difference.
    Donate:    Al-Mawasi.     Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP)



    Email your MP to urge them to sign Early Day Motion 1685, which calls for an urgent ceasefire to end Israel's assaults, and the lifting of the complete siege on the Gaza Strip which has cut the population off from electricity, food, water and fuel. EMAIL YOUR MP.

    OPEN LETTER to local representatives: Demand a ceasefire now!

    A COALITION of local groups have signed our open letter to elected representatives, in councils and at Westminster, calling for them to back an Israeli ceasefire in Gaza.

    Signatories include human rights organisations, religious groups, trade unions and cooperatives, the Green Party Parliamentary candidate as well as community-based support groups. If you know of any local group that will add its name to the 16 already signed up, please email Hastings and Rye PSC.     OPEN LETTER. Please share.

    Sunday 29 October Planning Meeting 3pm
    White Rock Hotel, White Rock Hastings TN34 1JU

    We will need to get up to date, and plan our actions for the coming days/weeks. Open to all members and everyone who has been working with us - and to everyone who wants to get involved.

    Much of the 'information' in the corporate media is misleading, quite often found to be fabricated

    Some useful sources: Middle East Eye.    Electronic Intifada.    Middle East Monitor.    Al Jazeera.

    Palestinian journalist takes on Sky News narratives on Gaza

    Palestinian journalist Yara Eid gives a masterclass in journalism and destroys the corporate media narrative.Yara's testimony went viral following the killing of her best friend, 21-year-old journalist Ibrahim Lafi, in an Israeli airstrike. Well worth watching. YouTube video.

    Hastings Mosque: Friday's Demonstration

    Thanks to everyone who came to support the demonstration. It is estimated that about 200 attended for what was a very lively, energetic event. The support that the brothers and sisters of Hastings Mosque have shown for the Palestinian people has always been strong and unwavering. It was a joy and honour working with them. "We are witnessing a horrific genocide going on towards Palestinian people." "The people of Gaza need us to stand beside them right now!"

    All Hastings councillors were invited to attend the demonstration and the rally in the evening so that they could show their support for the people of Gazan. Non turned up.


    Hastings and Rye PSC online membership and donations

    Becoming a member of Hastings and Rye PSC is an important way of supporting our work.The annual subscription is £10 waged, £5 unwaged. We now have an online membership payment form. It can also be used to renew membership. The work of Hastings & Rye Palestine Solidarity could not continue without the generous donations from members of the public. If you would like to support our work without becoming a member please visit our shop page here and see the right hand column:
    Donate to Hastings & Rye PSC.

    Recent Hastings and Rye PSC newsletters:

    23 October 2023
    19 October 2023
    18 October 2023

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