Hastings and Rye Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Newsletter   19 October 2023
  In this newsletter:
  • Our information stalls.
  • Demonstration Friday 20 October 1.30pm. Starting at Hastings mosque.
  • Rally for Gaza Friday at 6pm in Hastings Town Centre.
  • Join the National March in London this Saturday. Plus an important message. Please read.

    Amid this horrific loss of life, the UK government and opposition are failing to demand a ceasefire to stop the bloodshed, or even to call out Israel for its war crimes. What we want to see is a mass mobilisation of opposition to our leaders' complicity in Israel's war crimes. Please support and get involved.

    Stalls for Gaza

    No stalls on Friday and Sunday. There will be a stall on Saturday 12.00 noon - please support. We hope to run stalls next week. At all our stalls we have received a very positive response from local people. And a big thank you to all our members and supporters who have helped and/or visited. All offers of help running them are appeciated

    DEMONSTRATION Friday 20 October 1.30pm
    Hastings Mosque, Mercatoria TN38 0EB

    Please support. We hope to make this the biggest demonstration that Hastings has ever seen. We want the local MP to know the strength of feeling against these war crimes. More information: Facebook page. Please share.


    Friday 20 October 6pm Hastings Town Centre

    We need another big turnout. We will be reading out some of the messages just received from friends in Al-Mawasi in Southern Gaza and from the North. More information about - what we can be doing to support Gazans. More information: Facebook event page. Please share.

    Saturday 12.00 Marble Arch, London

    We're hoping that as many people as possible from our area can support this march - make it the biggest ever march in support of Palestine.

    Meet at Hastings Station 9.30am, to catch the 9.46am train from Hastings.
    Hastings to London for Palestine March (HRPSC).   National March for Palestine (PSC).

    Dear Supporter,

    Today we are urging every one of you to send out the rallying cry for Saturday's march in London.

    We know from the past that Israeli violence only stops when there is a mass outcry from the international community.

    And that moment has to be now. There is no time to waste.

    It's going to take all of us.

    If you are struggling to find the words to send to your family, friends or acquaintances, below is an email one of our members has written.

    It is heartfelt and powerful and it may help inspire your own words. Or you could use these. Whatever you choose, please do send messages to those you know.

    There has never been a more urgent time to show your support and solidarity for the people of Palestine.

    Thank you,

    Hastings and Rye Palestine Solidarity Campaign

    To my dear friends and family,

    I cannot begin to express the rage and despair I have experienced these past 12 days, watching the appalling events unfold in Israel and Palestine. I am certain many of you feel the same.

    Today, we are witnessing a genocide in Gaza, in full view of the whole world.

    Whatever one's views, perhaps we can agree on one thing - that every life is precious. And the answer can never be more violence, more bloodshed, more death.

    As I write this the figures are horrifying and getting worse by the minute:

    3,500 killed in Gaza, including over a thousand children

    12,500 wounded

    Now thousands more Palestinians face death from dehydration, starvation and disease thanks to Israel's 'total siege' on Gaza that deprives 2.3 million people, half of whom are children, of the necessities for human life.

    And that is why I am asking you to march with me in London on Saturday to demand a ceasefire, an end to Israel's assault on Gaza, and an immediate humanitarian corridor to allow aid through.

    We need to raise an almighty howl to ensure our leaders hear us.

    It's going to take all of us. Every single one.

    Please join me on the march.

    This is an historic moment and one that will be remembered by generations to come.

    I will be glad in my heart to know that you are there too.


    Hastings and Rye PSC online membership and donations

    Becoming a member of Hastings and Rye PSC is an important way of supporting our work.The annual subscription is £10 waged, £5 unwaged. We now have an online membership payment form. It can also be used to renew membership. The work of Hastings & Rye Palestine Solidarity could not continue without the generous donations from members of the public. If you would like to support our work without becoming a member please visit our shop page here and see the right hand column:
    Donate to Hastings & Rye PSC.

    Recent Hastings and Rye PSC newsletters:

    18 October 2023
    16 October 2023
    12 October 2023

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