Hastings and Rye Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Newsletter   16 October 2023

What we are witnessing in Gaza is a genocide and we cannot stand by and let it happen without roaring out in protest.

We will stand with Gaza every single day until Israel stops raining down bombs on the heads of this trapped, civilian population, who are being starved and denied water by a barbaric siege.


Our stall near Jempsons in the town centre will run from 12pm-1pm EVERY DAY from now.

Come and show your support and solidarity. If you can spare 10 minutes, half an hour or more, just show up and help to give out information, talk to the public about what's happening and collect donations for MAP


Keep writing to your MP

If you have written once, write again. Keep writing.

Our MPs do not get to sit this out.

This is the time to show up.

This is the time to make our voices heard.

More actions will be announced as the situation develops.

And Don't Stop Talking about Palestine!

Thank you and solidarity,


  • Donate: Al-Mawasi.     Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP)

  • Much of the 'information' in the corporate media is misleading, quite often found to be fabricated. Some useful sources: Middle East Eye.    Electronic Intifada.    Middle East Monitor.

    Updates from Al-Mawasi, Gaza

    We have been in constant contact with our friends in Al-Mawasi. The situation is catastrophic. Many of the friends we have made have moved out and are staying in makeshift shelters. We have updates here.

    Establish a formal twinning link with Al-Mawasi in Gaza

    Over the past 2 years we have collected hundreds of signatures from people in Hastings who would like to have a formal twinning link between Hastings and Al-Mawasi. Now is the time to make that happen. If you would like Hastings Councillors to vote at the next council meeting to establish a formal twinning link with Al-Mawasi in Gaza please sign and share the online petition.

    This simple, public gesture of solidarity can remind everyone of our shared humanity at this darkest of times.

    The online petition is here. Paper petitions are available at our information stalls or email Hastings Friends of Al-Mawasi.


    The rally was called at short notice, but despite that there was a very impressive turnout, completely filling the concourse at Robertson Street. There wasn't much in the way of speeches. Just messages read out, sent from friends in Al-Mawasi. Many in the area have fled their homes and are living in makeshift housing. Whole families have gone missing.

    Short video from the rally (YouTube).

    National Demonstration in London

    A contingent from Hastings travelled to London for the demonstration that attracted about 150,000. One of our members, Katy, was interviewed on Sky News. Her words clearly struck a chord and the video went round the world, viewed millions of times. Please view the video and share with your friends: YouTube video..

    Information stalls

    Since 2014 we have been running weekly information stalls (interrupted by the Covid period and the occasional bad weather). We have now started to have fortnightly stalls instead. They will be on the first and third Saturday of each month. So the dates will be 21 October, 4 November, 18 November. They run from 12.00 noon until 2 pm in the Hastings Town Centre (Near Jempsons, Wellington Place) TN34 1NY.

    Please pay us a visit. Apart from a range of leaflets, pamphlets and stickers, we have keffiyehs from Hirbawi in Hebron, a range of T-shirts and Palestinian flag umbrellas. We also have handicrafts from the Shu'fat Refugee Camp.

    Hastings and Rye PSC online membership and donations

    Becoming a member of Hastings and Rye PSC is an important way of supporting our work.The annual subscription is £10 waged, £5 unwaged. We now have an online membership payment form. It can also be used to renew membership. The work of Hastings & Rye Palestine Solidarity could not continue without the generous donations from members of the public. If you would like to support our work without becoming a member please visit our shop page here and see the right hand column:
    Donate to Hastings & Rye PSC.

    Recent Hastings and Rye PSC newsletters:

    12 October 2023
    6 October 2023
    22 September 2023

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