Hastings and Rye Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Newsletter   6 October 2023
  In this newsletter we have - - -
  • Saturday: Defend the Right to Boycott Town Centre 12.00 noon
  • Saturday: Meeting: 'Israel, Palestine and Me' Views from non-Zionist Jews. White Rock Hotel 3.30pm
  • Information stalls - change to dates.
  • The Al-Mawasi Women's Project

    Defend the Right to Boycott

    Saturday 7 October 12 noon - 2pm
    Hastings Town Centre (Near Jempsons, Wellington Place)

    This weekend there will be events throughout the UK opposing the anti-boycott bill. This legislation will prevent public bodies such as councils, universities etc. being able to make ethical decisions about where their money is invested. The opposition to the bill is reflected by the list of 70+ organisations that are fighting it, as shown on the campaign's website. More details on our Facebook event page.

    Sign our petition to Sally-Ann Hart, MP!

    Meeting: 'Israel, Palestine and Me' Views from non-Zionist Jews

    Saturday 7 October 3.30pm
    White Rock Hotel, Hastings TN34 1JU
    Free admission, free refreshments

    The link between British Jewry and the State of Israel has never been more tenuous with increasing numbers declaring themselves non-Zionists or anti-Zionists. To them, Israel does not represent a crucial part of their identity.

    In this meeting, people of differing Jewish and Israeli heritage will discuss their journeys towards what has become for each of them an active, 'on the ground' commitment to solidarity with the Palestinian people. Our speakers are, pictured above, Katy Colley, Leah Levane and Dr Felicity Laurence. Also speaking will be Yair Katz who was born and brought up in Israel and lived in New Zealand for 14 years before moving to St Leonards five years ago.

    Article in the Hastings Online Times. Our Facebook event page.

    Information stalls

    Since 2014 we have been running weekly information stalls (interrupted by the Covid period and the occasional bad weather). We will shortly start to have fortnightly stalls instead. They will be on the first and third Saturday of each month. So the dates will be 7 October (Right to Boycott stall), then 21 October, 4 November, 18 November. They run from 12.00 noon until 2 pm in the Hastings Town Centre (Near Jempsons, Wellington Place) TN34 1NY.

    Please pay us a visit. Apart from a range of leaflets, pamphlets and stickers, we have keffiyehs from Hirbawi in Hebron, a range of T-shirts and Palestinian flag umbrellas. We also have handicrafts from the Shu'fat Refugee Camp.

    Support the Al-Mawasi Women's Project

    Our campaign to raise funds to help towards opening a cafe and shop on the beach front at Al-Mawasi. This is for local women to sell their own handmade craft goods and food. More information here.

    Online Meeting with Al-Mawasi
    Monday 30 October 6pm-7pm. Details to follow.
    Games Night For Gaza
    Wednesday 6 December. Hastings Sea Angling and Social Club, The Stade TN34 3FJ. Details to follow.

    Asa Winstanley's talk about his new book: 'How Labour's anti-Semitism crisis was manufactured'

    Thanks to everyone who came to our recent meeting with Asa. He described the roots of the campaign to falsify allegations of anti-Semitism and the organisations that came together to smear the former Labour leader and his allies. We've got to know Asa's work over the years through his contributions to the Electronic Intifada; it was great to be able to talk with him and ask him about his journalism.

    The campaign waged by the Israel lobby within the Labour Party is something that few in the media want to address; in fact Asa approached 46 agents and publishers in the UK before finding a publisher in the US. Report of the meeting on our website. If you missed the meeting but wish to order your copy of Asa's book, visit OR Books.

    Hastings and Rye PSC online membership and donations

    Becoming a member of Hastings and Rye PSC is an important way of supporting our work.The annual subscription is £10 waged, £5 unwaged. We now have an online membership payment form. It can also be used to renew membership. The work of Hastings & Rye Palestine Solidarity could not continue without the generous donations from members of the public. If you would like to support our work without becoming a member please visit our shop page here and see the right hand column:
    Donate to Hastings & Rye PSC.

    Recent Hastings and Rye PSC newsletters:

    22 September 2023
    15 September 2023
    8 September 2023

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