October 2023
  Al-Mawasi is a farming and fishing town in south-west Gaza, Palestine. In October 2021 we started the campaign to call on Hastings Borough Council to formally twin Hastings with Al-Mawasi. For more information about Hastings Friends of Al-Mawasi


Updates from Al-Mawasi during Israel's bombing of Gaza, October 2023

12 October 2023

Nowhere is safe and they said they have no blankets or baby milk or nappies.

Everyone is offline now. We are left to only imagine what they are enduring because there is no electricity to charge phones.

The last messages from Rizq and Naheel yesterday have left us truly distraught.

Rizq Ahmed: "We have very violent bombardment. We have reached the stage of our final farewell. Pray for us."

Naheel: "May God protect you and protect us, O Lord, and lift the calamity from us, O Lord, may God have mercy on us, O Most Merciful, may God protect you from all evil."

12 October 2023

A number of the centre volunteers have had to abandon their 'safe space' community centre because of the bombing and dozens of local families are now sheltering together without even the most basic provisions. The situation is catastrophic. The picture on the right is from one of our friends in Al-Mawasi capturing the moment their neighbours' houses were destroyed.

11 October 2023

We don't know how much longer we'll keep getting messages from Al-Mawasi. Below are some of the messages we received today. We can't send aid or money because nothing can get through. All we can do is share her words and raise our voices in protest on their behalf.
Please join the rally in Hastings on Saturday.

"Before they cut the internet off Gaza as they did to the electricity and water. The occupying country is trying to isolate Gaza from the world. So again, to all the free people of the world, they are trying to exterminate us, the children, women, elderly and youth. They're destroying the civil organisations including hospitals and ambulances. Don't leave #Gaza_alone.

We want our voice to be heard everywhere, we're being bombarded with white phosphorus that's banned internationally, whole families are being murdered and people are all displaced now. Children are losing consciousness from inhaling the white phosphorus, there are a lot of people who are fainting all the time. The situation is beyond any words. Our voice should be heard, please spread it across the world. Make them stop these atrocities, we need urgent action from the international agencies to stop these genocides."

10 October 2023
Naheel pictured here at a recent olive picking and story telling event for children in Al-Mawasi.

"All the thanks and gratitude to you all. I've moved away from the area because the bombing was very near the house and the safe space. We left our homes and went to other parts of the town looking for flats to stay in, we and the other families with me, may Allah protect us and protect everyone. We ask for your support and to please send me any urgent aids as soon as possible, we don't have water or electricity or safety anywhere. May Allah keep us all and everyone safe."

We left the area as there are a lot of martyrs from Allahham family, a lot of them were children who used to attend the English lessons with me, they were with me in all the workshops and trainings. There's a family of 17 people from Allahham family that are all now missing, they're our relatives and they live near the safe space.

It really is an indescribable situation, they're slaughtering our people and no one knows their fate"

10 October 2023

This is the message received today from our friend Rizq who volunteers in the safe space*:

"Thank you for your support dearest friends. We're on the border and the situation is very terrifying it resembles the last day on earth. Everyone around us has left their homes and were standing strong, we've given all we can to help our neighbours, the sounds of shellings and bombs are non-stop, our bodies are exhausted and we're terrified. We're aware of your courageous position but what's happening is beyond words. We're daily saying goodbye to each other and we stay separated around the house."

10 October 2023

"The situation is very worrying and terrifying for everyone, children and adults and youth. We need the war to stop as soon as possible, the bombing is everywhere there's no safe place to go to. People have no where to go after their homes are bombed. People need support, food, drink, clothes and covers, there's no electricity or water, the situation is very bad.

I have opened the Safe Space* to people as a shelter. I have around 10 families that need a lot of support.

We wish you can do more demonstrations to support Gaza and stop the war now."

* The Safe Space is the community centre that was built and run by volunteers in a local grassroots organisation called the Committee for Enhancing Community Resilience in Al-Mawasi.


Messages and pictures from one of our friends in Al-Mawasi

"Ready to run away any time when the bombs fall round us." "Netanyahu has told us that we must leave Gaza. What can we do, and where can we go?"


Support the Al-Mawasi Women's Project

Our campaign to raise funds to help towards opening a cafe and shop on the beach front at Al-Mawasi. This is for local women to sell their own handmade craft goods and food. More information here.

Online Meeting with Al-Mawasi
Monday 30 October 6pm-7pm. Details to follow.
Games Night For Gaza
Wednesday 6 December. Hastings Sea Angling and Social Club, The Stade TN34 3FJ. Details to follow.

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