The PSC challenged the government regulations that prevented Local Government Pension schemes from divesting from companies complicit in Israel's violation of Palestinian human rights - and won in the the High Courts. But now that the PSC has to fight the government appeal, this means that costs will increase. The PSC needs to raise money for this and has started fundraising.
Actions throughout the UK took place in July calling for an immediate two-way arms embargo against Israel. The call was from the Palestinian movement for Boycott, Divestment and Santions (BDS). The campaign is directed at arms companies that are profiting from Israel's occupation of Palestine - along with the banks that invest in them.
Roundup of the nationwide actions:
Stop Arming Israel week of action.
Children in Al-Jiftlik can't remember when they had enough water.
In the West Bank, the average water supply for Palestinians is 62 litres/16.3 gallons per person per day, for the Israelis in the illegal settlements it is around 487 litres/126.8 gallons per day.
Useful article and video about the issue of water apartheid. Mention of Israel's misuse of the Joint Water Committee (JWC) set up through the Oslo Accords. Article by the Defense for Children International Palestine (DCIP):
Children in Al-Jiftlik.
Opposing Zionism is not racism, rules Scottish court.
"In yet another landmark legal victory, members of the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign emerged from court victorious today after being accused of racism. Their "crime"? Standing up to Zionism."
Article here.
Stop the Arms Fair week of action.
29 June 201711 June 201726 May 2017
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