Hastings and District Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Newsletter   26 January 2024
  In this newsletter:
  • Barclays: Stop Arming Israel 27 January; Close your account 9 February
  • Urgent: Al-Mawasi Appeal For Tents
  • Organising Direct Action For Palestine Monday 29 January 6pm
  • Film Show: John Pilger's "Palestine Is Still The Issue" Wednesday 31 January 7pm
  • Online Forum: Voices From Palestine Thursday 1st February 6pm
  • National March For Palestine In London Saturday 3 February
  • National Day Of Action In Workplaces And Colleges Wednesday 7 February
  • Moon Tell Me Truth 11 am - 5 pm Daily. 9 - 15 February
  • David Rovics In Hastings Thursday 22 February 7 Pm
  • Report Back: Palestine Solidarity Weekend
  • Hastings - Al-Mawasi Twinning Getting Closer
  • Israelism


    Saturday 27 January Please note that the times have been changed from that stated in the previous newsletter. 11 am - 1 pm.

    We will be joining with more than 50 groups throughout the UK on Saturday in demanding that Barclays stops bankrolling Israel's genocidal attacks on Palestinians.

    Barclays Bank holds over £1 billion in shares, and provides over £3 billion in loans and underwriting to 9 companies whose weapons, components, and military technology are being used by Israel in its attacks on Palestinians.

    Barclays has substantial investments in Boeing. This company manufactures the Apache attack helicopter, and Hellfire missile, which have been used by Israel in numerous bombardments of Gaza. In addition, the Boeing produced JDAM Guiding System, and Boeing's Dense Inert Metal Explosive (DIME) munitions, have been used in Israel's repeated bombardments of Gaza.

    ON 9 FEBRUARY 2024

    The PSC is calling on you to take the first step to boycott Barclays. If you're a Barclays customer, the PSC is asking you to pledge to close your account on 9 February 2024. If you're not a Barclays customer, the request is to write to the bank to tell it you won't use any Barclays services. More information from the PSC..


    Thousands of people have been arriving in Al-Mawasi. Some are lying on the streets with no shelter. More information and how to donate.


    Monday 29 January 6pm White Rock Hotel.
    One of the main ways we can support the people of Palestine is by boycotting Israeli goods and stopping weapons going from the UK to Israel

    Here in Hastings we have organised a number of boycott actions targeting local supermarkets, and we have also held three protests at the local General Dynamics arms factory.

    This meeting will be about planning our next protests, including providing information about our legal rights when taking part in protests, and discussing various direct action tactics.

    Help us organise big, safe, and successful actions! All welcome. Facebook event page.


    Wednesday 31 January 7pm The Pig, White Rock, Hastings, TN34 1JL.

    Join us on Wednesday 31st January from 7pm for a film screening of "Palestine Is Still The Issue", a documentary made by the legendary journalist, John Pilger, in 2002. Always speaking truth to power, from the Vietnam War onwards, Pilger's voice still rings true today as the Gazan massacres continue to horrify us. Facebook event page.


    Thursday 1st February 6pm

    *Arrest * Imprisonment* Torture* Siege * Checkpoints * Settlement roads* Injustice * Racism * Interrogation * Children locked up * Loved one's corpses withheld

    We were really pleased to have made contact with a group of young Palestinians in both the West Bank and Gaza. This meeting will give us an opportunity to hear directly from Palestinians about their experiences so that we can get a better understanding of life under occupation and apartheid. Unfortunately we won't be able to hear from any of their members in Gaza at the moment.

    Join our online forum to hear Hazem Amro, Ammar Za'tarri, Hind Abu Aisha, Yahya Fahmawi and Rania Hatem describe the daily realities of life in Palestine today.

    More information and details of how to join the meeting: Facebook event page.    Instagram page.


    12 noon Portland Place, London

    It has never been more important to stand with Palestine. Join us in London on Saturday 3 February.

    Add your voice to the calls for ceasefire in the Israeli war on Gaza which has so far claimed over 25,000 lives.

    Meet at 10am at Hastings Train Station to catch the 10.21 train to London.

    If anyone needs help with the cost of a train ticket, or is willing to sponsor someone else's ticket please get in touch directly on Hastings and District PSC.


    Wednesday 7 February Most trade unions support the PSC. Palestinian trade unions have called for solidarity action globally. On Wednesday February 7th there will be walkouts and protests for Palestine across the country.

    What you could do: * Organise amongst your work colleagues for a lunch break protest with a Palestinian flag and placards. Even a small gathering can have a big impact. * Hold a collection at work for Medical Aid for Palestinians. * Ask your union to call a meeting to discuss Palestine or simply hold a small meeting at lunch break or after work in a local cafe. * Ask colleagues to wear a badge or the colours of Palestine at work for the day. * Link up with other workers in your sector, eg, Health workers for Palestine, Teachers for Palestine etc.

    If you want help, more information or a speaker, email Hastings & District Trades Union Council or contact the Chair, Simon Hester on 07736-064045.


    Children's Paintings and Poetry Exhibition from Gaza

    11 am - 5 pm daily. Free Admission
    9 - 15 February
    Stade Hall, Hastings, TN34 3DW

    The exhibition of poetry and art by children in Gaza aged 9 - 15 was created for a competition run by the Hands Up Project.

    in response to artworks by Palestinian artists Malak Mattar and Layla Mohammad Ibraheem Al Haj, now published in the book Moon Tell me Truth.

    All the children whose art and poetry will be on display are now displaced and two are known to have been killed in the current bombing campaign in Gaza - Fatema Saidam, 9, and Obada Mohammad Abu Oda, 14. Fatema was killed with her family in October by an Israeli air strike on their home - her poem 'Eyes are for looking' has now been translated around the world.

    Alongside the exhibition we are running a series of workshops and activities as well as a poetry/art competition for young visitors, details can be seen here.

    We will need helpers throughout the week so if you would like to get involved, either volunteering to steward or assisting with workshops and activities, please contact us.


    Benefit for Gaza. Thursday 22 February 7 pm at the East Hastings Sea Angling Club.
    More information to follow. His most recent album 'Notes from a Holocaust' features mainly songs about the assaults on Gaza and the West Bank. For those not familiar with David's work, here's one of his earlier songs: All Aboard the Mavi Marmara.


    Last weekend's actions culminated in a 250 strong march to the town centre starting from Warrior Square. The demand was for a permanent ceasefire and an end to the genocide. The lively and very noisy march was led by local children. The theme of the rally was very much centred around the issue of children. So far, out of the 24,000 people of Gaza who have been killed by Israel, more than 11,000 of the dead are children. It was pointed out that this is more than the entire school population of Hastings. And at least 25,000 Palestinian children in Gaza are now orphans because of Israeli bombing.

    The theme was also of local unity. Speeches were from a wide range of local groups and individuals: the overriding call was clearly for ceasefire. The rally was united in its condemnation of the complicity of UK politicians in this genocidal war. Both Labour and Tory, nationally and locally were called out. Videos from Facebook and TikTok.

    Thanks to everyone who came to support, our speakers, stewards, organisers.

    On Saturday the Big Ride for Palestine started at General Dynamics armaments factory, headed for the town centre taking in local supermarkets on the way, distributing leaflets, talking with passers by. And receiving a great reception along the route; with an even bigger and louder reception at our Solidarity Stall in the town centre. If anyone wants to join future Big Rides, drop us a line and we will put you in touch.

    While the Big Ride was in progress, children at the local mosque were making some amazing placards for Sunday's march.

    Video of the Big Ride and at the children's madrasah on Facebook. and the Big Ride on Instagram.

    While Israel's genocidal attacks continue we will continue organising, protesting and raising our voices. There has never been a more important time to stand with Palestine. The war must end. The killing must stop.


    We received a positive response at the Hastings Borough Council meeting on Wednesday. Respect to Councillor Tony Collins for asking a question about the Council's silence on Gaza in the past 3 and a half months, and about our campaign to twin Hastings with Al-Mawasi. Councillor Julia Hilton, now leader of the Council, gave a very clear response in support of the demand for a ceasefire in Gaza and said she thought twinning with Al-Mawasi was an "excellent idea." Video of the exchange on Facebook and on Instagram,


    Watch Israelism for $5 until 31 January: Film rental.



    Much of the 'information' in the corporate media is misleading. Some useful sources:
    Middle East Eye.    Electronic Intifada.    Al Jazeera.    Middle East Monitor.
    Mondoweiss.    Palestine Chronicle.    Al Mayadeen.    Mintpress.    The Grayzone.
    The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor.       Jonathan Cook.
    The Cradle.

    Hastings and District PSC online membership and donations

    Becoming a member of Hastings and District PSC is an important way of supporting our work.The annual subscription is £10 waged, £5 unwaged. We now have an online membership payment form. It can also be used to renew membership. If you would rather not use Paypal, you can pay directly to our bank: please contact us for the details. Or alternatively pay at one of our events.

    The work of Hastings and District PSC could not continue without the donations from members of the public. If you would like to support our work without becoming a member please visit our shop page here and see the right hand column:
    Donate to Hastings and District PSC.

    Recent Hastings and District PSC newsletters:

    19 January 2024     12 January 2024     5 January 2024

    Keep up to date with our website and social media:

    Website      Facebook      Twitter      Instagram      YouTube Channel      TikTok.
