Saturday 25 November 14.00 / 2 PM
White Rock Hotel (opposite pier)
Hastings TN34 1JU.Free admission. Free refreshments.
Tom Suárez's book is the culmination of several years of research based primarily on British government source documents held by the National Archives (Kew), relating to Palestine during the four decades between the Balfour Declaration (1917) and the Suez Crisis (1956).
Tom Suárez's principal thesis is that Zionist terrorism "ultimately dictated the course of events during the Mandate, and it is Israeli state terrorism that continues to dictate events today."
More information.
Meeting: Local Jewish Activist Speaks On Israel and Palestine
Thanks to Leah Levane and everyone who came to the meeting. Leah visited the Sumud Freedom Camp near Sarura in the Hebron Hills as part of a predominantly Jewish group to show solidarity with Palestinians under occupation. One memory that will stay with Leah is the sight of the 'IDF' sabotaging local Palestinians' water supply by pouring stones into several of their water cisterns.
The meeting finished with the showing of the film '100 Balfour Road' (after a few technical problems!).
Review of 100 Balfour Road.
Miko Peled.
Miko recently came to prominence in the corporate media for what he
didn't say at a fringe Labour Party conference meeting. "Peled's grandfather was one of the signers of the Israeli founding documents. His father was a soldier in the war which led to the creation of Israel." "Miko Peled is a voice of sharp criticism of Israel and Israeli policies." A useful article about Miko Peled:
Rick Sterling: A Silenced Israeli Critic.

News from and about the occupation:
Israeli forces shoot 11-year-old Palestinian in head with rubber bullet.
How Israel is disabling Palestinian teenagers. Israeli commander to Palestinians: "I will make half of you disabled and let the other half push the wheelchairs."
IDF jails conscientious objector for 30 days over her refusal to enlist.
Israeli Army Raids Multiple Palestinian Media Outlets Across West Bank.
Israeli embassy accused of pressuring UK university to censor free speech.
Everyday Israelis express support for genocide.
A Jewish Atonement for Zionism. Review of "Not by Might, nor by Power": The Zionist Betrayal of Judaism. Book by Moshe Menuhin, father of legendary violinist Yehudi Menuhin.
Israeli violence, abuse and humiliation of the Palestinian people: Israel turns bus into torture chamber.
Netanyahu Pushes For Bill To Ban Breaking The Silence, Bds Ngos.
Ben White: How Israel segregates its own citizens inside the Green Line.
Palestinian Bishop Spat on, Insulted by Settlers
Israel's violations of international law - A brief introduction.
Explained: the Balfour Declaration.
Asa Winstanley: Overthrow the Balfour Declaration.
Israel Accepts Billions From The US, But Maintains Ties With Al-Nusra.
Jonathan Cook: New group challenges role of Israel lobby inside Labour Party.
Jewish Socialists' Group statement in support of Dr Moshe Machover.
Letter from student societies demanding the University cancel the Balfour "celebrations."
Deportations and Harassment of Irish Group Travelling to West Bank.
Jonathan Cook: the US and Israel kick up a fake storm over Unesco
(The Real Reasons Trump is Quitting UNESCO).
From July 2015: Christian Zionists expose their anti-Semitism at conservative summit in Iowa.
Jonathan Cook: Guardian sells false image of an open Jerusalem.
BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) news
Renowned Israeli doctor and activist backs BDS in fight against apartheid.
UN to blacklist 190 companies doing business in occupied Palestine.
Saturday information stalls in Hastings
We run the information stall every Saturday 12.00 'til 14.00 (2 pm) in Hastings Town Centre opposite Lloyds Bank.
Please come along to say hello and support us. You don't have to come every week or stay for two hours but any time is appreciated.
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