Public meeting: Stop The JNF - Not In Our Name

Saturday 12 March 3pm

Join us at the White Rock Hotel, Hastings TN34 1JU

  • or take part online. Register here for the Zoom meeting:


    The JNF (Jewish National Fund) is an organisation that has spent 100 years and millions of pounds uprooting Palestinians.

    It is still doing it today in the Naqab and East Jerusalem, taking land exclusively for the benefit of Jewish people, expelling Palestinians.

    Today Amnesty International condemns JNF's actions in its denunciation of Israeli Apartheid.

    Yet the JNF continues to act as a global fundraiser for Israeli ethnic cleansing, occupation and apartheid, enjoying charitable status in over 50 countries including here in the UK.

    There is even a 'British Park' in Israel, created by the JNF UK on the lands of seven ethnically cleansed Palestinians villages. The owners and their descendants are still living in exile.

    The 'Stop the JNF' campaign in the UK aims to revoke the organisation's charitable status.

    Join our hybrid meeting either in person at the White Rock Hotel or online to hear speakers Kholoud al Ajarma (a Palestinian academic and refugee, whose land lies under British Park), Kathy Brooks (Chair of Montgomeryshire PSC and Stop the JNF / British Park Campaign) and Annie O'Gara (Sheffield PSC and Stop the JNF/British Park Campaign) and learn more about how to resist the JNF and Israel's ongoing racist colonial project.

    Yossef Weitz (pictured left) was the director of KKL-JNF's Land Settlement Department.

    In 1940 Weitz stated: "There is no way but to transfer the Arabs from here to the neighbouring countries, to transfer all of them... not one village must be left... for this goal funds will be found."

    Weitz wrote in April 1948: "I have drawn up a list of Arab villages which in my opinion must be cleared out in order to complete Jewish regions. I have also drawn up a list of land disputes that must be settled by military means." (Source: Ilan Pappé 2006).

    In 1948 the state of Israel was established, during the Nakba (the Catastrophe), at the end of which over 750,000 Palestinians were ethnically cleansed from 531 villages.


    Getting to the root of the matter
    The JNF-KKL is one of four founding institutions of the State of Israel. Israel was founded and continues to exist with the support of an international network of institutions that provide extensive financial and political support to the State. Before the State of Israel was founded, the Jewish National Fund was at the forefront of the colonial project of establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine - already the homeland of the indigenous Palestinians.

    The 'Stop the JNF' campaign intends to expose and challenge the very premise of the State of Israel; it is not possible to build the basis for a democratic and pluralistic state through colonization and dispossession.